Coleman Sedona Camper Owners Manual

Some pop up campers use propane furnaces as a power and heating source for water, convection ovens, and stove-top burners. Propane (commonly known as liquefied petroleum gas or LPG) is a colorless hydrocarbon that is odorless and nontoxic. However, it can explode or expel oxygen from an atmosphere and that makes it dangerous. Access current and archived Owner's Manuals for your Keystone travel trailer and fifth wheel RVs.

To keep your Coleman or Somerset pop up camper looking and operating at its best, here are a few routine maintenance and
cleaning tips:


AlumiTite Krystal Kote Composite Roof

For general pop up camper cleaning, ivory soap and water, Formula 409, Windex, Fantastik, Simple Green or Pine Sol all work wonders. Use the cleaner according to the manufacturer's suggestions and apply the cleaner to a soft, clean cloth rather than directly to the roof. Only clean a small section of the roof at a time. After cleaning, rinse off the surface as thoroughly as possible. Do not allow these cleaners to contact your pop up’s Sunbrella tenting material.

For heavy cleaning, use the following products (but remember to remove and rinse immediately and thoroughly after each use): Oops, Turtle-Wax, Bug, Tar & Tree Sap Remover (just make sure all drape, mattress, and tenting fabrics are protected – you don’t want to get any of that stuff on your fabrics!).

Sunbrella 302 Acrylic Tenting

Most dirt will simply brush off of your pop up camper, and any remaining soil can be removed by using mild soap and water. To remove stains, spot wash the fabric by sponging briskly with a solution of natural soap in lukewarm water. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and air dry. For stubborn stains, use a commercial stain remover and follow the directions on the container, or you may use a 50 percent solution of bleach and water. Then rinse thoroughly and air-dry after heavy cleaning. It may be necessary to re-treat the Sunbrella fabric (see below). Though Sunbrella 302 will not mildew, mildew can grow on dirt and other foreign substances that are not removed from the fabric. For this reason, light routine cleaning such as brushing off the fabric, is important in extending the life of the material. While repeated cleaning will not diminish the inherent properties of Sunbrella 302, it may gradually reduce the water, soil, and stain-repellent properties of the treated finish. If this occurs, you can revitalize the fabric's original protective finish with a commercial spray-on fabric guard. (Note: The commercial spray-on fabric guard needs to be a fluorocarbon-based fabric protector such as 303 High Tech Fabric Guard.)

Stove and sinks


You can clean your Coleman pop up stoves and sinks using the same household cleaners you’d use in your home.


Coleman Sedona Camper Owners Manual

Mild soap and warm water.

Shower and cassette toilet

Use an appropriate, non-abrasive household cleanser to bring the shine back to you shower and cassette toilet.

Cooler and refrigerator

Mild soap and warm water is all you need to clean out your cooler and refrigerator.

Cushion Covers

You can use a foam-type cleaner and vacuum to clean off your cushion covers.

Mattress Covers

5% Dawn dishwashing liquid and 95% water - immediately blot or wipe dry.

Coleman Sedona Camper

Table top

Damp cloth.

Vinyl windows

Mild soap and warm water.

Vinyl floor covering

Mild soap and warm water.

ABS panels

Mild soap and warm water.

Krystal Kote side body panels

Coleman Sedona Pop Up Camper

Mild soap and warm water

Coleman Sedona Pop Up Camper

Mild soap and warm water will work wonders on almost every surface in your pop up!